
5 ways you can address your fear of falling

Published on
May 14, 2024
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5 ways you can address your fear of falling

A fear of falling goes by many names:




Post-fall Syndrome 





Research has shown that rapidly changing circumstances, worry and anxiety can all have a significant impact on your ability to focus.As with any phobia, fear or anxiety, it can be hard to overcome - but not impossible. Here are 3 starting points for addressing your fear of falling:


Understand the source

Knowing where your fear of falling came from is a great place to start. Have you experienced a distressing fall in the past? Is your fear preventing you from going out or walking around? What is it that makes you the most anxious about falling?


Build confidence

Small steps are better than no steps. If your fear of falling is keeping you from moving around, a small (safe) walk around the living room is a positive step in the right direction. It's always a good idea to speak to a doctor and put a plan in place to build your confidence as well.


Talk to a professional

Whether it's a GP, physiotherapist, occupational therapist or psychologist - addressing the fear is the most productive thing you can do.


Take steps to reduce other fall risk factors

Performing an in-home fall and hazard audit is a great way to start understanding fall hazards and safety. After all, 33% of falls happen at home - so ensuring your home environment is fall-safe may ease your anxiety. You can also assess your fall risk in our free downloadable checklist, which may also help you to understand your risk, and take appropriate action.


Put a plan in place

Do you know what to do if you do have a fall? How to get up? Who to call? Did you know there are technologies that can help keep you safe if you do have a fall? Arranging these technologies now can potentially prove life-saving in the long run.Do you want to speak to a HomeGuardian Care Consultant about your fear of falling, and fall-care solutions? Give us a call on 1300 248 324. 

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